
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Greetings and Salutations!

Okay, so I have been wanting a blog for sometime now, figured no body gives a shit what I say. Then I said fuck it. Lets make one. (by lets I mean me, myself, and the gnome that lives in my bra) 

So I do also have a nice G rated craft blog here. If you go there, I must say, there is even less traffic than this one. Which is NONE. I live a kind of sad little life, however, it is MY sad little life. I don't complain to much, at least out loud. I have lots of dialog in my head sometimes. Maybe we will discuss the mental health issues later (not that I have any, yet...).

So I am getting old now, and unfortunately I live at home with my parents, yep, I'm that creepy guy who lives in his Mom's basement, lurking around the internet at night, while in his underwear, eating meatball hot pockets, and drinking Mountain Dew. Except, I am female, we live in Florida, so no basement, I sit around in PJs instead of undies, and don't do the Dew. I do <3 Hot Pockets though! Also I don't think I am that creepy, but I can creep people out sometimes, so I guess that counts. Oh well.

I LOVE to make shit, and no I don't literally mean shit, which sometimes a good poo on the loo does make me smile, I am crafty. I make Artist Trading Cards (I'm not very artistic, just creative), handmade greeting cards, note cards, I like making collages, doing up-cycle crafts, I attempt to sew when my sewing machine decides to stop PMSing. I also have made jewelry, origami, bookmarks, postcards, envelopes and a bunch of other fun crafty crap! If you would like to take a gander at my crappy craft blog go ahead!

I really love to laugh, and it could be some stupid kids joke on the back of laffy taffy, a political joke, dirty jokes, curse filled rants, slapstick comedy, stupid B-Movie horror movies, peoples stupidity, my animals, People at Wal-Mart, puns, I Can Has Cheesburger, XKCD, . Anything can be funny, if you see the humor in it. 

I also LOVE movies, I have seen way to many fucking movies. Mostly horror and sci-fi, but all the other genres sneak their way in there to sometimes. Not much for the romantic crap. I have seen a few, but most make me want to kick someone. They are STUPID, unfortunately they can be entertaining sometimes, if you call mind numbing entertaining. I really like off beat, weird, and all around fucked up movies too, like Ichi the Killer, Human Centipede, Dead Girl, and so on. Also I kick ass at the 6 degrees game, well when you play actors only (some people play with directors and shit, fuck that).

I also like all types of music, ok, ok, I LOVE all types of music (woo for the LOVE fest post!), oldies, 80's, rap, classical, pop, jazz, blues, death metal, country, Reggae, and just about everything in between. I BLAME my family for my wide music tastes, my parents were older by the time they had me, and my brothers are 5 & 10 years older than me, so everyone was different with their music tastes, so I was exposed to a lot of different sounds.

Ok, now that I got that crap out of the way. I love animals as well. We have A LOT of animals at my house. They are all loved, fat, happy, and a couple are neurotic, but that's for another day. My family (meaning my parents and I), have a total of 10 dogs and 1 cat. What the fuck!?! I know, I know, but most were rescues. Ah hell, all of them were a rescue really, just different degrees of "rescuing" were needed. I'm to flipping lazy to post their pics right now, maybe I will have a post just about them one day, there is enough of them! They all got stories too.

Well, I should be attempting to go to bed at a decent time, yep, 5am, sounds good.

Oh if for some reason, I got you hooked with my eloquent words and fantastic grammar (I can pretend!), this blog will just be my opinions, stuff in the news, maybe some movie reviews, weird shit, funny shit, and whatever other shit seems post worthy.

Wow, this post is kinda shittastic. Well, everyone has to start somewhere right?



Anonymous said...

(some people play with directors and shit, fuck that).....
I actually LOL'D @ this :)

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